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P.I.A.D.S. Architect's Oath

Upon my honour I promise unending devotion to the task of continually studying, learning, seeking, experimenting, that I may become ever better educated and trained for my work.

Upon my honour I promise to my community undeviating adherence to the ideal service to my fellow men, as the goal of my effort, that I may honestly and fully earn my living-my right to live among them.

Upon my honour I promise to maintain that integrity in practice which will insure to each client the finest possible stewardship of his interest.

Upon my honour I promise in the execution of every commission to strive to create beauty as well as order, character as well as safety, spiritual value as well as convenience.

Upon my honour, I shall strive to achieve "meaningful, humane & sensitive architecture', which responds to context, climate, is rooted to its land and is an integral part of its people.

Upon my honour, I shall strive to achieve an architecture which respects tradition & culture of the people of the land for whom it is being built.

Upon my honour I promise to join with my fellow architects to make our profession of greatest possible usefulness and benefit to our society, to share and disseminate all valuable professional knowledge, and to pass on to the succeeding generation the full .And fine discipline of our profession, enriched because of my dedication.

PIADS since last two years started a new event which is looked forward to by all the students and teachers, and specially the parents of the graduating students.

The graduating final year students seated on the dais take up the PIADS architect's oath given by Director Architecture LTJSS, Ar. Habeeb Khan.

The student's promise that they would abide by the Oath. It is a proud moment, for the specially invited parents and the teachers as well.