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Vision & Mission


We shall strive to achieve a 'meaningful humane and sensitive architecture', an architecture which responds to context, tradition, climate, is rooted to its land and is an integral part of its people, an architecture which respects its culture and societies it is being built for. We shall strive to nurture and groom future architects towards these thought provoking thrust areas along with developing a sense of commitment, professionalism and inculcate aspirations in them for continuous update of knowledge in order to serve fellow human beings.


Our mission is to excel in every field of Architectural Education and be one of the premier and sought-after Institute, to provide students with strong education, professional and societal leadership qualities to face and meet the global environment, Creating conducive academic environment along with high-end infrastructures and allied facilities to foster and imbibe in students and faculty an academic cooperation and professionalism to enhance their technical know-how, To inculcate and instill very high level of academic and professional commitments and involvement whereby expecting students to Live / feel Architecture every moment